Seth Franklin is a dedicated law enforcement officer in the City of Redlands, whose passion has always been serving our charming city. Like every officer, his focus is on helping others and putting their safety and security first. But now, Seth finds himself in need of our help, and the Redlands Police Family is committed to doing everything we can.
We urgently need your support to assist Seth and his family in their fight against cancer. Seth was diagnosed with melanoma in September 2022. By November, surgery revealed that the cancer had spread to multiple lymph nodes. After enduring many treatments, Seth was thankfully cleared in February 2024.
But Sethβs battle is far from over. In June of this year, the cancer returned and has now escalated to stage 4 melanoma, which has spread to his bones, affecting his hips and spine. This fight is one that Seth and his family cannot face alone.
We need your help. With your donation, you can make a direct impact on Sethβs lifeβensuring he receives the best possible care while helping to offset everyday expenses. Seth is hoping to start his next round of treatment in early September, and your contribution can make all the difference.
Seth, his beautiful wife Ashley, and their two amazing sons, Ronan and Ryan, are determined to fight this and win. Together, we can rally behind the Franklin family and let them know the community is in this fight with Seth. Your donation, regardless of size, is deeply appreciated and will truly bless the Franklin family.
Please donate today and help us give Seth the strength and support he needs to overcome this battle. Together, we can stand by Seth, just as he has always stood by our community.
Ends in 18 Days
Ends in 18 Days
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Cause Details
Seth Franklin is a dedicated law enforcement officer in the City of Redlands, whose passion has always been serving our...
Seth Franklin is a dedicated law enforcement officer in the City of Redlands, whose passion has always been serving our charming city. Like every officer, his focus is on helping others and putting their safety and security first. But now, Seth finds himself in need of our help, and the Redlands Police Family is committed to doing everything we can.
We urgently need your support to assist Seth and his family in their fight against cancer. Seth was diagnosed with melanoma in September 2022. By November, surgery revealed that the cancer had spread to multiple lymph nodes. After enduring many treatments, Seth was thankfully cleared in February 2024.
But Sethβs battle is far from over. In June of this year, the cancer returned and has now escalated to stage 4 melanoma, which has spread to his bones, affecting his hips and spine. This fight is one that Seth and his family cannot face alone.
We need your help. With your donation, you can make a direct impact on Sethβs lifeβensuring he receives the best possible care while helping to offset everyday expenses. Seth is hoping to start his next round of treatment in early September, and your contribution can make all the difference.
Seth, his beautiful wife Ashley, and their two amazing sons, Ronan and Ryan, are determined to fight this and win. Together, we can rally behind the Franklin family and let them know the community is in this fight with Seth. Your donation, regardless of size, is deeply appreciated and will truly bless the Franklin family.
Please donate today and help us give Seth the strength and support he needs to overcome this battle. Together, we can stand by Seth, just as he has always stood by our community.
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