Rob Heaney is a dedicated 24-year veteran of the DC Fire Department, currently serving as a Lieutenant with Rescue Squad 2. In addition to his role in the department, Rob has also been a steadfast leader on the Executive Board of the DC Firefighters Local 36 Union.
In 2023, Rob was diagnosed with cancer and has shown remarkable strength in his ongoing battle against the disease. Sadly, he is currently in critical condition at Georgetown University Hospital. The Heaney family is deeply grateful for the outpouring of love and support they have received, and they kindly ask that you continue to keep Rob in your thoughts and prayers.
This fundraiser has been established to assist the Heaney family and provide financial support during this challenging time.
Ends in 38 Days
Ends in 38 Days
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Cause Details
Rob Heaney is a dedicated 24-year veteran of the DC Fire Department, currently serving as a Lieutenant with Rescue Squad...
Rob Heaney is a dedicated 24-year veteran of the DC Fire Department, currently serving as a Lieutenant with Rescue Squad 2. In addition to his role in the department, Rob has also been a steadfast leader on the Executive Board of the DC Firefighters Local 36 Union.
In 2023, Rob was diagnosed with cancer and has shown remarkable strength in his ongoing battle against the disease. Sadly, he is currently in critical condition at Georgetown University Hospital. The Heaney family is deeply grateful for the outpouring of love and support they have received, and they kindly ask that you continue to keep Rob in your thoughts and prayers.
This fundraiser has been established to assist the Heaney family and provide financial support during this challenging time.
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