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My husband was an Marine and also firefighter, My husband life was cut short on July 2,2022 I've been dealing with it hard!!! We've been married since 2010 and I'm talking it really ruff, since his death I haven't been able to go back to work fully. We adopted are godson. If you can help out anything will help.

$0 of $50,000
0% Complete (success)
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January 19th, 2023 Corona, CA
Melissa Hernandez
Thank you for your support!
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$0 of $50,000
0% Complete (success)
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January 19th, 2023 Corona, CA
Melissa Hernandez
Thank you for your support!

Cause Details


My husband was an Marine and also firefighter, My husband life was cut short on July 2,2022 I've been dealing...

My husband was an Marine and also firefighter, My husband life was cut short on July 2,2022 I've been dealing with it hard!!! We've been married since 2010 and I'm talking it really ruff, since his death I haven't been able to go back to work fully. We adopted are godson. If you can help out anything will help.


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