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Cause Details

Hello, my name is Jeff Mitchum, a dedicated law enforcement officer with over 23 years of experience. I am also a proud father to an amazing 20-year-old daughter. In 2020, I founded my own small business offering permit-to-carry courses and comprehensive pistol instruction to empower individuals with self-defense skills, exercising their constitutionally protected right to self-defense.

Unfortunately, in October 2022, my life took an unexpected turn. What I initially thought was a kidney stone turned out to be a severe infection and inflammation that caused my large intestine to rupture. After enduring two surgeries, including one that lasted over 3.5 hours instead of the scheduled hour, I spent 16 days in the hospital. Shortly after, I faced another setback when an abscess formed within my abdominal muscle wall. In December 2022, I received the devastating diagnosis of rectal cancer, which stemmed from the prior infection and inflammation.

Throughout this challenging journey, I have remained resilient. Despite the physical and emotional toll, I have completed eight grueling chemotherapy treatments as well as 28 radiation treatments. However, the cumulative side effects have made it increasingly difficult for me to continue working both as a law enforcement officer and in my small business. The side effects have been miserable and cumulative, hindering my ability to fulfill my duties and sustain my business.

I was scheduled to have my surgery to remove the tumor, take down the colostomy and create a temporary ileostomy on Aug. 10th.  However, a CT scan and MRI revealed a lesion on my liver.  The surgery was postponed so a biopsy could be performed on Aug. 11.  I am currently waiting for the results.

In addition to the physical and emotional struggles, I now find myself facing financial strain. As someone who has always worked overtime and taken on part-time jobs when necessary, it pains me to admit that I am unable to work due to the debilitating side effects of my treatment. This has made it extremely difficult to cover my mounting medical bills and monthly expenses. Despite short-term disability benefits through my job, the financial burden continues to grow.

Thank you for your kindness and support in helping me overcome these challenges and get back on my feet.

$300 of $20,000


1.5% Complete (success)
Organizer Info
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August 12th, 2023 Minneapolis, MN
Jeff Mitchum
6 Supporters
Thank you for your support!
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$300 of $20,000


1.5% Complete (success)
Organizer Info
Logo image
August 12th, 2023 Minneapolis, MN
Jeff Mitchum
Thank you for your support!

Cause Details


Hello, my name is Jeff Mitchum, a dedicated law enforcement officer with over 23 years of experience. I am also...

Hello, my name is Jeff Mitchum, a dedicated law enforcement officer with over 23 years of experience. I am also a proud father to an amazing 20-year-old daughter. In 2020, I founded my own small business offering permit-to-carry courses and comprehensive pistol instruction to empower individuals with self-defense skills, exercising their constitutionally protected right to self-defense.

Unfortunately, in October 2022, my life took an unexpected turn. What I initially thought was a kidney stone turned out to be a severe infection and inflammation that caused my large intestine to rupture. After enduring two surgeries, including one that lasted over 3.5 hours instead of the scheduled hour, I spent 16 days in the hospital. Shortly after, I faced another setback when an abscess formed within my abdominal muscle wall. In December 2022, I received the devastating diagnosis of rectal cancer, which stemmed from the prior infection and inflammation.

Throughout this challenging journey, I have remained resilient. Despite the physical and emotional toll, I have completed eight grueling chemotherapy treatments as well as 28 radiation treatments. However, the cumulative side effects have made it increasingly difficult for me to continue working both as a law enforcement officer and in my small business. The side effects have been miserable and cumulative, hindering my ability to fulfill my duties and sustain my business.

I was scheduled to have my surgery to remove the tumor, take down the colostomy and create a temporary ileostomy on Aug. 10th.  However, a CT scan and MRI revealed a lesion on my liver.  The surgery was postponed so a biopsy could be performed on Aug. 11.  I am currently waiting for the results.

In addition to the physical and emotional struggles, I now find myself facing financial strain. As someone who has always worked overtime and taken on part-time jobs when necessary, it pains me to admit that I am unable to work due to the debilitating side effects of my treatment. This has made it extremely difficult to cover my mounting medical bills and monthly expenses. Despite short-term disability benefits through my job, the financial burden continues to grow.

Thank you for your kindness and support in helping me overcome these challenges and get back on my feet.


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Kelley Tyan
God be with you on your journey to healing!
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Vanessta Spark
I donated because if Rick W
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Jay Soares
I wish you and your family nothing but the best! Keep on pushing forward one day at a time

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