Cause Details

Help support the Barrington FOP, as we support the Barrington community and those who serve to protect it!

Your contributions will be used to support:

  • Injured Officer Fund
  • Officer Legal Defense Fund
  • Charitable Causes (scholarships, community needs, etc)
  • Community Events

Thank you for your support!

$125 of $10,000

Ends in 2713 Days


1.25% Complete (success)
Organizer Info
Logo image
June 2nd, 2021 Barrington, IL
Barrington FOP, Lodge #177
3 Supporters


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When you become an advocate, every click and donation made via your unique advocate URL will be tallied in your Help a Hero account.

Campaign image
$125 of $10,000

Ends in 2713 Days


1.25% Complete (success)

Connect and Share

shares 1 Shares

When you become an advocate, every click and donation made via your unique advocate URL will be tallied in your Help a Hero account.

Organizer Info
Logo image
June 2nd, 2021 Barrington, IL
Barrington FOP, Lodge #177

Cause Details


Help support the Barrington FOP, as we support the Barrington community and those who serve to protect it!

Your contributions will...

Help support the Barrington FOP, as we support the Barrington community and those who serve to protect it!

Your contributions will be used to support:

  • Injured Officer Fund
  • Officer Legal Defense Fund
  • Charitable Causes (scholarships, community needs, etc)
  • Community Events

Thank you for your support!


Anonymous user image
Thank you to all the Officers for your service to our community!

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