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Hey guys! I got my first 10k coming up and I wanted to do something special for it so I decided to help an organization that helps close to home, the 9-99 foundation. To give some context, a 9-99 code is something you don’t want to hear over the radio at a police station because typically it’s when an officer is in mortal danger. The 9-99 Foundation is a great group who helps raise money for things like officer mental health and PTSD services which hits close to home. Any amount you can donate is appreciated and I will be matching donations made up to $500. Thanks again guys!

$310 of $500


62% Complete (success)
Organizer Info
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July 18th, 2023 Wareham, MA
Thomas Plunkett
6 Supporters
Thank you for your support!
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$310 of $500


62% Complete (success)
Organizer Info
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July 18th, 2023 Wareham, MA
Thomas Plunkett
Thank you for your support!

Cause Details


Hey guys! I got my first 10k coming up and I wanted to do something special for it so I...

Hey guys! I got my first 10k coming up and I wanted to do something special for it so I decided to help an organization that helps close to home, the 9-99 foundation. To give some context, a 9-99 code is something you don’t want to hear over the radio at a police station because typically it’s when an officer is in mortal danger. The 9-99 Foundation is a great group who helps raise money for things like officer mental health and PTSD services which hits close to home. Any amount you can donate is appreciated and I will be matching donations made up to $500. Thanks again guys!


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Mary Kilgallen
Tom is a good man and I'm proud to be his favorite aunt. Love you kiddo!
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Sarah Plunkett
You got this!
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Aunt Judy
Love Aunt Judy
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Good luck - Mammy

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